Seminar on Role of Insurance Intermediaries - FY 2012-13 - पॉलिसी धारक

Seminar on Role of Insurance Intermediaries - FY 2012-13
A seminar on “Role of Insurance Intermediaries” was organised by Citizens Awareness Group (CAG) on October 28, 2012 at Chandigarh.
The audience included insurance agents, insurance brokers, surveyors, Third party Administrators and other officials from various insurance companies. The seminar was inaugurated by Mr Suresh Mathur, Senior Joint Director, IRDA as Chief Guest and welcome address was given by Mr. Surinder Verma, Chairman of CAG, Chandigarh.
Mr Suresh Mathur, Senior Joint Director, IRDA gave the key note address on the subject informing the gathering about the various types of intermediaries licensed by IRDA and the role played by each one of them being a pivotal part of the insurance industry.
The first technical sessions on the underwriting practices and role of agents, brokers was made by Mr. S. K. Jain, Director, Insurance Brokers Association of India. The second session on the claim procedures and role of surveyors and investigators was handled by a team of surveyors. During the post-lunch sessions, Two Officials representing two licensed TPAs spoke about “importance of health insurance and the role of TPAs” respectively.The other speakers include representatives of insurance companies and spoke on the “Grievance Redressal Mechanism available to the policyholder” which is the last technical session of the seminar. Summing up, the Organisers mentioned in the valedictory that the seminar was found to be very useful for the participants.