Seminar on Consumer Protection - पॉलिसी धारक

Seminar on Consumer Protection
The seminar on “Consumer Protection and The Role of IRDA” was held by Consumer Rights, Education & Awareness Trust (CREAT) on October 24, 2011 at Bengaluru at the National Law School University.
It was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor of the University in the presence of the Chair of Consumer Protection of the National Law School. The participants consisted of representatives of various consumer bodies from various districts of Karnataka and some representatives from the academia.
The presentations were well received by the participants. The interactive session turned out to be very interesting with the participants, in particular those from remote districts, actively asking questions of concern to policyholders. As mentioned by some of them and from the questions themselves, it was apparent that they were quite aware of the activities of IRDA, in particular the various initiatives for the betterment of policyholders.
Ms. Yegnapriya Bharath, Joint Director, IRDA made a presentation on “Policyholder's Protection - Measures initiated by IRDA” and “Greivance Redressal Mechanism”. Mr. Satish Hegde’s (OSD, IRDA) participation and his presentation in Kannada is worth mentioning since his communication in the local language helped the representatives from the districts participate actively.
At the seminar, policyholder handbooks on various types of insurance and on intermediaries brought out by IRDA in Kannada, were distributed to all the participants and more copies were handed over to them for further distribution through their respective bodies.
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