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सं.सं.आईआरडीएआई/एचएलटी/आरईजी/परि/233/09/2020 दिनांक04-09-2020
Ref.No: IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/233/09/2020 Date:04-09-2020
प्रतिसभी जीवन,सामान्य औरस्वास्थ्यबीमा कंपनियाँ
To AllLife, General and Health Insurance Companies
1. दिनांक 22जुलाई, 2020 केपरिपत्र सं.आईआरडीएआई/एचएलटी/आरईजी/परिपत्र/194/07/2020के तहत जारीस्वास्थ्यबीमा व्यवसायमें उत्पादफाइलिंग परसमेकितनिर्देशों केअध्याय VII कीओरध्यानाकर्षितकिया जाता हैजो कि स्वास्थ्यविशेषताओं परमानदडों कोनिर्दिष्ट करतीहै। आईआरडीएआई(स्वास्थ्यबीमा) विनियम 2016के 8(घ) और 19 विनियमके साथ पठितबीमा अधिनियम1938 की धारा 34(1) केप्रावधानोंके अंतर्गतस्वास्थ्यविशेषताएं/लाभों पर इनदिशानिर्देशोंके अधिक्रमण पर,निम्नलिखितमानदंडनिर्धारितकिए गए हैं
Reference is invited to Chapter VII of the Consolidated Guidelineson Product Filing in Health Insurance Business issued vide Circular Ref:IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/194/07/2020 dated 22nd July, 2020 specifyingnorms on Wellness features. In supersession of these Guidelines on wellnessfeatures / benefits, under the provisions of Sec 34(1) of the Insurance Act1938, read with Regulation 8(d) and 19 of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations2016, the following norms are prescribed:
a. Anywellness and preventive feature shall be designed only with the objective ofmaintaining and improving good health, thereby enabling affordable healthinsurance.
b. Aspart of promoting wellness and preventive regime, insurers may offer rewardpoints to those policyholders who comply with or meet the set criteria ofwellness and preventive features.
c. NoWellness and preventive feature shall be offered without it being filed orincorporated as part of the product in terms of the Product Filing Guidelines.The methodology and criteria to be used for arriving at the reward points andcorresponding reward points to be awarded need to be filed.
d.Wellness and preventive features under a policy may also be offered either asoptional or add-on cover.
e.There shall be no discrimination in providing any of the wellness andpreventive features offered and in granting the reward points thereunder to thesame or similarly placed categories of policyholders of the underlying healthinsurance product.
f. EveryInsurer shall assess the pricing impact of wellness and preventive featuresoffered, if any, and the same shall be disclosed upfront in the File and Use orUse and File application, as may be the case, as specified in the ProductFiling Guidelines.
g. Based on criteria stipulated for wellness and fitness, insurersmay endeavour promoting wellness amongst health insurance policyholders byoffering the following services:
i)निम्न दीगई के लिए (पहली हीप्रदान किए गएऐसे लाभों केअतिरिक्त)नेटवर्कप्रदताओं याअन्यसूचीबद्धअस्पताल/सेवाप्रदताओंद्वाराप्रदान किए गएस्वास्थ्यनिर्दिष्टसेवाएं हैं.
a) Outpatientconsultations or treatments
b) Pharmaceuticals
c) Healthcheck-ups/diagnostics
उपरोक्तसभी पर छूटसहित। / Including discountson all the above.
Redeemable vouchers to obtainhealth supplements.
Redeemable vouchers for membership in:
a) योग केंद्र/
b) व्यायामशाला
c) खेलकूद क्लब/Sports clubs
d) स्वस्थताकीगतिविधियोंमें भाग लेनेके लिए स्वस्थताकेंद्र
Fitness centers for participating in fitness activities.
iv)Discounts on premiums and/or increase in sum insured at the time of renewalsbased on wellness regime followed by policyholders in the preceding policyperiod; provided increase in sum insured shall be independent and shall not belinked to the cumulative bonus offered, if any.
v)Coverage of cost of treatment of any admissible claim in respect of non-payableitems that are specified under the terms and conditions of the base policy.
Provided,where more than one reward is offered, choice shall be given to thepolicyholder to choose as per his/her requirement or need.
h.Insurers shall not publish the trade names or trade logos of third partymerchandize in any of the insurance advertisements, but may refer the servicesin generic term. However, Insurers shall disclose the specific items ofservices in their website with necessary details and may provide a link to thisin their insurance advertisement and policy contracts.
बशर्तें,बीमाकर्ताकिसी भी विशेषतीसरे पक्ष केसेवा प्रदाताके उत्पादोंऔर सेवाओं को प्रोत्साहितन करें।
Providedinsurers shall not promote products or services of any particular third partyservice provider.
इसकेसाथ ही, जहाँबीमाकर्ताद्वारालाभों/सेवाओंको प्रदानकरने के लिएबहु सेवाप्रदाताओं कीसेवाएं लीजाएगी, वहाँपालिसीधारकोंको स्वास्थ्यलाभों/सेवाओंका लाभ उठानेके लिए उनकीपसंद के सेवाप्रदाता कोचुनने कीअनुमति दीजाएगी।
Providedfurther, where multiple service providers are engaged by the insurers forproviding benefits / services, the policyholders shall be allowed to choose aservice provider of their choice for availing the wellness benefits / services.
झ.बीमाकर्तास्वास्थ्य औरनिवारकविशेषताओं केअंतर्गतलाभ/सेवाओं कोप्रदान करनेलिए बहुसेवाओंप्रदाता कीसेवा लेने काप्रयास करेंगेऔर बीमाकर्ताद्वारानिरंतर सेवाप्रदाताओं कीसूची मेंविस्तार कियाजाएगा। बीमाकर्ताकिसी भीप्रकार सेतीसरे पक्षद्वाराउपलब्ध कराईगई सेवाओं कीगुणवत्ता केप्रतिजिम्मेदारीनहीं लेंगे औरपहले ही यहस्पष्टकरेंगे किस्वास्थ्य सुविधाके अंतर्गतप्रदान की जारहीनिर्धारित सेवाओंके लिए उक्ततीसरा पक्ष हीजिम्मेदार होगाऔर बीमाकर्तासेवा प्रदाताकी ओर से किसीभी प्रकार कीत्रुटियों औरकमियोंके लिएउत्तरदायीनहीं होगा। बीमकर्तासेवा प्रदाताद्वारास्वास्थ्य/निवारककार्यक्रम केअंतर्गतप्रदान की जारही सेवाओं कीगुणवत्ता कीनिगरानीकरेगा और यहसुनिश्चितकरेगा कि वे उपयुक्तस्वास्थ्यबीमा उत्पादके स्वास्थ्यकार्यक्रम केअंतर्गतप्रदान किए गएउनके दायित्वोंको निर्वहन केलिए उपयुक्ततंत्र को सहीदिशा मेंलगाएगा।
i. Insurersshall endeavour to engage multiple service providers for providing benefits /services under wellness and preventive features and the list of serviceproviders may be constantly expanded by the Insurers. Insurers shall not acceptany liability towards quality of the services made available by third partiesand shall specify upfront that the said third party is responsible for providingthe services stipulated under the wellness features
ञ.पॉलिधारकोंद्वारा भुनाएगए पुरस्कारअंकों(रिवार्डप्वाइंटों) केमुद्रीकृतमूल्य केअतिरिक्त,बीमाकर्ताद्वारा तीसरेपक्ष केव्यापारी कोकोई अन्यभुगतान नहींकिया जाएगा।
j. Otherthan the monetized value of the reward points redeemed by the policyholders, nopayments shall be made by insurers to the third party merchants.
त.बीमाकर्ताओंतीसरे पक्ष कीसेवाओं कोप्रदान करनेके लिए किसीभी प्रकार कीराशि लेने परविचार नहींकरेगा।
k. Insurersshall not receive any consideration amount for offering the third partyservices.
थ.संपूर्णस्वास्थ्य औरनिवारकविशेषताओं कीदेखरेख में,यदि कोईपरिचालनात्मकलागत आती हैतो उसे मूलस्वास्थ्यबीमा उत्पादक#2375; मूल्य मेंशामिल कियाजाएगा और लागतमूल्य को विवरणपत्रिका अथवाबिक्रीसाहित्य मेंप्रदर्शितकिया जाएगा,जहाँस्वास्थ्य औरनिवारक विशेषताएंप्रदान की जारही है.
l. Theoperational costs, if any, for administering wellness and preventive featuresshall be factored into the pricing of the underlying health insurance productand costs factored shall be disclosed in the prospectus or sales literature(invitation to contract) wherever wellness and preventive features are offered.
m. Incase of Family Floater Plans, Insurers shall clearly define and disclose inpolicy document, the manner in which accrual and redemption of rewards isconsidered in respect of all members covered.
n.Insurers shall clearly specify in the policy contract as to whether the accruedrewards can be carried forward or not when the policy is renewed with theInsurer and the period of validity of the accrued rewards under both thescenarios. In case of expiry of policy, the accrued rewards may be carriedforward for a period not exceeding three months.
न.अर्जितपुरस्कारपॉलिसी केप्रारंभ मेंही आवधिकअंतराल मेंघोषितदरों/राशियोंपर किए जाएंगेऔर इसे ब्याजदर जैसे किसीगतिशील कारकसे नहीं जोड़ाजाएगा। इसेपॉलिसीदस्तावेज मेंनिर्दिष्टकिया जाएगा
o. Therewards accrued shall be at periodic intervals at rates/amounts declaredupfront at the commencement of the policy and shall not be linked to anydynamic factor such as interest rate. The same shall be specified in the PolicyDocument.
ट.बीमाकर्ताआवधिक अंतरालमें, वर्ष मेंकम से कम एकबारस्वास्थ्य औरनिवारकसुविधाओं केअंतर्गतपॉलिसीधारकोंको जमा हुएअर्जित पुरस्कारोंऔर पॉलिसीधारकोंकी पात्रता केबारे मेंसूचित करेगा
p. Insurershall notify the rewards accrued to the credit of a Policyholder andentitlements of the policyholders under the wellness and preventive features atperiodic intervals, at least once in a year.
ठ. बीमाकर्तापॉलिसीअनुबंध औरविवरणपुस्तिका मेंस्वास्थ्य औरनिवारकविशेषताओं केअंतर्गतप्रदान कीजाने वालीविभिन्नसेवाओं की सूचनाके लिए अपनाईजारी संचार केतरीके कोनिर्दिष्टकरेगा।
q. Insurer shall specify in the policy contract andprospectus, the mode of communication that the Insurer adopts for notificationof various services offered under the wellness and preventive features.
s. Insurershall be responsible for any errors or omission in calculation of accruedrewards and shall address the same through their in-house Grievance RedressalMechanism.
t. Informationgathered, if any, during the process of offering the wellness and preventivefeatures of the policy, shall be kept confidential and shall not be used forpurposes other than what it is meant for.
TheAuthority reserves the right to reject wellness and preventive featuresproposed by the insurer if they are against policyholders’ interests and arenot in line with fair market conduct notwithstanding the fact that they maybroadly meet with the above guidelines.
TheAuthority reserves the right to instruct the insurers to withdraw any wellnessand preventive feature which is not in compliance with any regulations orguidelines issued by the Authority or which is found to be prejudicial to theinterests of the policyholders or not in line with fair market conduct. TheAuthority also reserves the right in such cases to take appropriate action asdeemed fit.
Existing products may be modified either as per Clause (C) ofChapter III or Clause III (2) of Chapter IV of Consolidated Guidelines on ProductFiling in Health Insurance Business (Ref. No: IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/194/07/2020dated 22nd July, 2020) for offering wellness and preventivefeatures in compliance to these guidelines.
TheseGuidelines shall come into force with immediate effect.
Thishas the approval of the competent authority