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Title: परिपत्र
Reference No.: आईआरडीए/आईएनटी/सीआईआर/ईसीएम/233/10/2017
Date: 11/10/2017
बीमा सेल्फ नेटवर्क प्लेटफॉर्म (आईएसएनपी) के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन दाखिल करने का विस्तार



This refers to the Authority~sGuidelines on lnsurance e-commerce (IRDA/INT /GDL/ECM/055/03/2017) dated 9thMarch, 2017 and Circular on Filing of online application for lnsurance SelfNetwork Platform (ISNP) (IRDA/INT /CIR/ ECM/ 083/ 04/ 2017) dated 11th April,2017 wherein time was given upto 9th June,2017 to file their ISNP application.

2. In the meantime some Brokers and Insurers have soughtextension of time limit for filing of their ISNP application.

3. TheAuthority after due consideration of their requests grants time till 30thNovember, 2017 to file their ISNP application to all those regulated entitieswho have not filed the application.

4. Pleasenote that non-submission of the ISNP application through ISNP portal by the duedate will disqualify the regulated entity from undertaking online e-Commerce Insuranceactivities.




(P.J. Joseph)

Member (Non-Life)

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