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Title: समुद्री बीमा कारोबार करने वाली सभी सामान्य बीमा कंपनियों के लिए
Reference No.: आईआरडीए/एनएल/जीडीएल/एमआईएससी/105/05/2016
Date: 26/05/2016
भारतीय तट पर फंसे/जमे हुए जहाज- बीमा दावे

The Authority is in receipt of letters dated 23.07.2015 and 08.01.2016 from DG Shipping on the captioned matter.


The DG Shipping has stated that in some instances, ships stranded on the Indian coast are being abandoned by some ship owners leading to environmental degradation and increasing burden on the national exchequer for remedial measures.


Copies of the letters received from DG Shipping and a copy of Authority’s response dated 23.05.2016 are enclosed for information.


The insurers may keep the concerns of DG Shipping in mind while handling the related claims.


P J Joseph

Member (NL)


Encl: as above

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