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Title: गैर-जीवन बीमाकर्ताओं और स्टैंडअलोन स्वास्थ्य बीमाकर्ताओं के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारियों के लिए
Reference No.: आईआरडीए/एफएंडए/एमआईएससी/सीआईआर/026/02/2016
Date: 12/02/2016
बिजनेस एनालिटिक्स प्रोजेक्ट (बीएपी) मॉड्यूल के माध्यम से एफ एंड ए नॉन-लाइफ के लिए रिटर्न जमा करना।
Ref: 1. circular no. IRDA/F&A/MISC/CIR/026/02/2015 dated 05.02.2015
         2. Email dated 30.07.20152
Attention of the insurers is drawn to circular no. IRDA/F&I/CIR/ F&A /012/01/2010 dated 28.01.2010 regarding ‘Public Disclosures by Insurers’. As per this circular timelines for public disclosures are as follows:
·         45 days from the quarter ending June, September, December and March,
·          For the half year ending September – within 2 months of the close of the half year or 15 days from the date of approval of the accounts by the Board of Directors, whichever is earlier,
·          For the annual account ending March – within 6 months of the close of the financial year or within 30 days from the date of adoption of final accounts by the Board of Directors, whichever is earlier.
All insurers are hereby informed that the above timelines shall also be applicable for filing of BAP returns. In view of the above, it is directed that all the Non-life insurers and Standalone Health Insurers shall comply with the provisions of above referred circular in word & spirit and shall file all the quarterly, half-yearly and annual returns from December 2015 onward within the stipulated time.
In case insurers require any clarifications, they may contact Ms. Jamuna Choudhary, AD (E-mail ID – jamunachoudhary at irda dot gov dot in) under a copy to Mr. Ammu Venkata Ramana, DD (E-mail ID- ammuvenkat at irda dot gov dot in).
This circular comes into force with immediate effect.
V.R. Iyer
Member (F&I)
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