Document Detail
Title: बी ए पी का नए हार्डवेयर और नवीनतम सॉफ़्टवेयर में स्थानांतरण
Reference No.: आईआरडीएआई/जीए एंड एचआर/सीआईआर/एमआईएससी/167/8/2022
Date: 09/08/2022
बी ए पी का नए हार्डवेयर और नवीनतम सॉफ़्टवेयर में स्थानांतरण
To all insurers and insurance intermediaries,
Ref : IRDAI/GA&HR/CIR/MISC/167/8/2022 09.08.2022 Date : 09.08.2022
Sub: Migration of BAP to new hardware and the latest software
IRDAI is in the process of upgrading BAP and is being migrated to new hardware and the latest software. Due to this process, BAP will not be available for any functional use from 10th August 8 pm to 16th August 9 am.
In this regard, you are requested to ensure that all activities connected with BAP are carried out before 10th August 8 pm.
J. Meena Kumari
(Chief General Manager)