Requirements for Registering as a Surveyor
Template inclusion failed (for parameter value "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/37301/37341/20097/NAVIGATION-MACRO-FTL"): Unable to find FreeMarker template with ID _TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/37301/37341/20097/NAVIGATION-MACRO-FTL ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #include "${templatesPath}/NAVIGATION... [in template "37301#37343#600896" at line 4, column 1] ----
1<div class="row responsive">
2 <div class="col-lg-12 pb-4 side-nav print-exclude desktop-left-nav">
3 <p class="back pt-3"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1);"><img src="/o/irdai-theme/images/svg/icons/back-cta-chevron.svg" alt="back" title="back"> Back</a></p>
4<#include "${templatesPath}/NAVIGATION-MACRO-FTL" />
6<#if !entries?has_content>
7 <#if themeDisplay.isSignedIn()>
8 <div class="alert alert-info">
9 <@liferay.language key="there-are-no-menu-items-to-display" />
10 </div>
11 </#if>
13 <#assign
14 portletDisplay = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay()
16 navbarId = "navbar_" + portletDisplay.getId()
17 />
19 <div id="${navbarId}">
20 <div aria-label="<@liferay.language key='site-pages' />" class="nav navbar-nav navbar-site claim-menu-list show" role="menubar">
21 <#assign navItems = entries />
25 <#list navItems as navItem>
26 <#assign showChildrenNavItems = (displayDepth != 1) && navItem.hasBrowsableChildren() />
28 <#if navItem.isBrowsable() || showChildrenNavItems>
29 <#assign
30 nav_item_attr_has_popup = ""
31 nav_item_caret = ""
32 nav_item_css_class = "lfr-nav-item nav-item"
33 nav_item_href_link = ""
34 nav_item_link_css_class = "nav-link text-truncate"
35 />
37 <#if showChildrenNavItems>
38 <#assign nav_item_attr_has_popup = "aria-haspopup='true'" />
39 <#assign nav_item_caret>
40 <span class="lfr-nav-child-toggle px-1 ml-auto">
41 <@clay["icon"] symbol="angle-right" />
42 </span>
43 </#assign>
44 <#assign
45 nav_item_css_class = "${nav_item_css_class} dropdown"
46 nav_item_link_css_class = "${nav_item_link_css_class} dropdown-toggle"
47 />
48 </#if>
50 <#if navItem.isBrowsable()>
51 <#assign nav_item_href_link = "href='${navItem.getURL()}'" />
52 </#if>
54 <#if navItem.isChildSelected() || navItem.isSelected()>
55 <#assign
56 nav_item_css_class = "${nav_item_css_class} selected active"
57 />
58 </#if>
60 <p class="${nav_item_css_class} text-wrap" id="layout_${portletDisplay.getId()}_${navItem.getLayoutId()}" role="presentation">
61 <a aria-labelledby="layout_${portletDisplay.getId()}_${navItem.getLayoutId()}" ${nav_item_attr_has_popup} ${nav_item_href_link} ${navItem.getTarget()} role="menuitem" class="text-truncate">
62 <span class="text-truncate"><@liferay_theme["layout-icon"] layout=navItem.getLayout() /> ${navItem.getName()} </span>
63 </a>
64 ${nav_item_caret}
66 <#if showChildrenNavItems>
68 <ul class="claim-list">
69 <@buildChildrenNavItems2
70 displayDepth=displayDepth
71 navItem=navItem
72 />
74 </ul>
75 </#if>
78 </#if>
79 </#list>
84 </div>
85 </div>
87 <#macro buildChildrenNavItems2
88 displayDepth
89 navItem
90 navItemLevel = 2
91 >
92 <#assign
93 portletDisplay = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay()
94 />
96 <#list navItem.getChildren() as childNavigationItem>
97 <#assign
98 nav_child_css_class = ""
99 nav_item_caret = ""
100 sub_menu_heading_css_class = ""
101 />
103 <#if childNavigationItem.isChildSelected() || childNavigationItem.isSelected()>
104 <#assign
105 nav_child_css_class = "active selected"
106 />
107 </#if>
109 <#if childNavigationItem.hasBrowsableChildren() && ((displayDepth == 0) || (navItemLevel < displayDepth))>
111 <#assign nav_item_caret>
112 <span <span class="lfr-nav-child-toggle px-1 ml-auto float-right">
113 <@clay["icon"] symbol="angle-right" />
114 </span>
115 </#assign>
117 </#if>
119 <li class="${nav_child_css_class} text-wrap" id="layout_${portletDisplay.getId()}_${childNavigationItem.getLayoutId()}" role="presentation">
120 <#if childNavigationItem.isBrowsable()>
121 <a aria-labelledby="layout_${portletDisplay.getId()}_${childNavigationItem.getLayoutId()}" href="${childNavigationItem.getURL()}" ${childNavigationItem.getTarget()} role="menuitem"> ${childNavigationItem.getName()}
123 </a>
124 ${nav_item_caret}
125 <#else>
126 <a href="javascript:void(0)"> ${childNavigationItem.getName()}</a>
127 </#if>
128 </li>
129 <#if childNavigationItem.hasBrowsableChildren() && ((displayDepth == 0) || (navItemLevel < displayDepth))>
130 <ul class="claim-list">
131 <@buildChildrenNavItems2
132 displayDepth=displayDepth
133 navItem=childNavigationItem
134 navItemLevel=(navItemLevel + 1)
135 />
136 </ul>
137 </#if>
139 </#list>
140 </#macro>
144 <@liferay_aui.script use="liferay-navigation-interaction">
145 var navigation ='#${navbarId}');
147 Liferay.Data.NAV_INTERACTION_LIST_SELECTOR = '.navbar-site';
148 Liferay.Data.NAV_LIST_SELECTOR = '.navbar-site';
150 if (navigation) {
151 navigation.plug(Liferay.NavigationInteraction);
152 }
153 </@>
155 </div>
156 </div>
158 <div class="row responsive">
159 <div class="col-lg-12 side-nav print-exclude mobile-left-nav">
160<#include "${templatesPath}/NAVIGATION-MACRO-FTL" />
162<#if !entries?has_content>
163 <#if themeDisplay.isSignedIn()>
164 <div class="alert alert-info">
165 <@liferay.language key="there-are-no-menu-items-to-display" />
166 </div>
167 </#if>
169 <#assign
170 portletDisplay = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay()
172 navbarId = "navbar_" + portletDisplay.getId()
173 />
175 <div id="${navbarId}">
178<div class="dropdown mobile-left-nav">
179<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle w-100 text-left" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="fa fa-bars mr-2"></span>Select Menu
180 </button>
181 <ul class="dropdown-menu">
183 <#assign navItems = entries />
184 <#list navItems as navItem>
185 <#assign showChildrenNavItems = (displayDepth != 1) && navItem.hasBrowsableChildren() />
187 <#if navItem.isBrowsable() || showChildrenNavItems>
188 <#assign
189 nav_item_attr_has_popup = ""
190 nav_item_caret = ""
191 nav_item_css_class = "lfr-nav-item nav-item"
192 nav_item_href_link = ""
193 nav_item_link_css_class = "nav-link"
194 tes=""
195 />
197 <#if showChildrenNavItems>
198 <#assign nav_item_attr_has_popup = "aria-haspopup='true'" />
199 <#assign nav_item_caret>
200 <span class="lfr-nav-child-toggle px-1 ml-auto">
201 <@clay["icon"] symbol="angle-down" />
202 </span>
203 </#assign>
204 <#assign
205 nav_item_css_class = "${nav_item_css_class} dropdown"
206 nav_item_link_css_class = "${nav_item_link_css_class} dropdown-toggle"
207 />
208 </#if>
210 <#if navItem.isBrowsable()>
211 <#assign nav_item_href_link = "href='${navItem.getURL()}'" />
212 </#if>
214 <#if navItem.isChildSelected() || navItem.isSelected()>
215 <#assign
216 nav_item_css_class = "${nav_item_css_class} selected active"
218 />
219 </#if>
220 <#if showChildrenNavItems>
221 <#assign nav_item_link_css_class="dropdown-submenu"
222 test="test"/>
223 </#if>
224 <li class="${nav_item_link_css_class}">
225 <a tabindex="-1" ${nav_item_href_link} ${navItem.getTarget()} class=" " >
226 <span class="text-truncate" title="${navItem.getName()}"><@liferay_theme["layout-icon"] layout=navItem.getLayout() /> ${navItem.getName()}</span>
228 </a>
229 ${nav_item_caret}
230 <#if showChildrenNavItems>
232 <ul class="dropdown-menu">
233 <@buildChildrenNavItems
234 displayDepth=displayDepth
235 navItem=navItem
236 />
237 </ul>
239 </#if>
240 </li>
243 </#if>
244 </#list>
245 </ul>
246 </div>
248 <#macro buildChildrenNavItems
249 displayDepth
250 navItem
251 navItemLevel = 2
252 >
253 <#assign
254 portletDisplay = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay()
255 />
256 <#list navItem.getChildren() as childNavigationItem>
257 <#assign
258 nav_child_css_class = ""
259 nav_item_caret = ""
260 sub_menu_heading_css_class = ""
261 />
263 <#if childNavigationItem.isChildSelected() || childNavigationItem.isSelected()>
264 <#assign
265 nav_child_css_class = "active selected"
266 />
267 </#if>
269 <#if childNavigationItem.hasBrowsableChildren() && ((displayDepth == 0) || (navItemLevel < displayDepth))>
270 <#assign
271 nav_item_caret = '<i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i>'
272 sub_menu_heading_css_class = ""
273 />
275 </#if>
277 <li class="${nav_child_css_class}" id="layout_${portletDisplay.getId()}_${childNavigationItem.getLayoutId()}" role="presentation">
278 <#if childNavigationItem.isBrowsable()>
279 <a aria-labelledby="layout_${portletDisplay.getId()}_${childNavigationItem.getLayoutId()}" class=" dropdown-item ${sub_menu_heading_css_class} " href="${childNavigationItem.getURL()}" ${childNavigationItem.getTarget()} role="menuitem"> ${childNavigationItem.getName()}
281 </a>
282 <span class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
283 ${nav_item_caret}
284 </span>
285 <#else>
286 <span class="dropdown-item font-weight-semi-bold navigation-menu__submenu">${childNavigationItem.getName()}</span>
287 </#if>
289 <#if childNavigationItem.hasBrowsableChildren() && ((displayDepth == 0) || (navItemLevel < displayDepth))>
290 <ul class="dropdown-menu submenu">
291 <@buildChildrenNavItems
292 displayDepth=displayDepth
293 navItem=childNavigationItem
294 navItemLevel=(navItemLevel + 1)
295 />
296 </ul>
297 </#if>
298 </li>
299 </#list>
301 </#macro>
304 <@liferay_aui.script use="liferay-navigation-interaction">
305 var navigation ='#${navbarId}');
307 Liferay.Data.NAV_INTERACTION_LIST_SELECTOR = '.navbar-site';
308 Liferay.Data.NAV_LIST_SELECTOR = '.navbar-site';
310 if (navigation) {
311 navigation.plug(Liferay.NavigationInteraction);
312 }
313 </@>
315 </div>
316 </div>
320 <style>
321 @media (max-width: 768px) {
322 .desktop-left-nav {
323 display: none;
324 }
325 .mobile-left-nav {
326 display: block;
327 }
328 .mobile-left-nav {
329 position: relative !important;
330 max-width: 100% !important;
331 width: 100% !important;
332 transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) !important;
333 }
334 .mobile-left-nav > li > a {
335 width: 94%;
336 float: left;
337 }
338 .mobile-left-nav > li {
339 clear: both;
340 }
341 .mobile-left-nav li > ul > li::before{
342 content: "";
343 width: 8px;
344 height: 8px;
345 background: #95b2c5;
346 border-radius: 3px;
347 display: block;
348 position: relative;
349 top: 22px;
350 }
352 }
354 @media (min-width: 768px) {
355 .desktop-left-nav {
356 display: block;
357 }
358 .mobile-left-nav {
359 display: none;
360 }
361 }
362 .caret {
363 width: 0;
364 height: 0;
365 display: inline-block;
366 border: 10px solid transparent;
367 }
368 .caret.down{
369 border-top-color: black;
370 }
371 .mobile-left-nav li.dropdown-submenu > ul {
372 display: block;
373 position: relative;
374 border: none;
375 box-shadow: none;
376 padding-left: 40px;
377 background: #fbfbfb;
378 width: 100%;
379 max-width: 100%;
380 padding-top: 0;
381 max-height: max-content;
382 }
384 .mobile-left-nav li a span.text-truncate {
385 max-width: 80%;
386 float: left;
387 }
388 .mobile-left-nav li {
389 padding-top: 0;
390 padding-bottom: 0;}
391 </style>
Who is Surveyor and Regulatory Framework For Obtaining Surveyor Licence.
Who is a Surveyor and Loss Assessor ?
A surveyor and loss assessor is an insurance intermediary licensed by IRDAI to investigate, manage, quantify, validate and deal with losses (whether insured or not) arising from any contingency, on behalf of insurer or insured and report thereon and carry out the work with competence, objectivity and professional integrity by strictly adhering to the code of conduct stipulated under the Law/Regulations.
Section 64UM of the Insurance Act, 1938, IRDAI (Surveyors & Loss Assessors) Regulations, 2015, IRDAI (Surveyors & Loss Assessors) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017 and IRDAI (Surveyors & Loss Assessors) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 are the relevant Sections and Regulations dealing with all aspects of Surveyors & Loss Assessors.
General services provided by a Surveyor and Loss Assessor:
- Investigate, manage, quantify, validate and deal with losses (whether insured or not) arising from any contingency
- Estimate, measure and determine the quantum and description of the subject under loss
- Conduct inspection and re-inspection of the property in question suffering a loss,
- conduct spot and final surveys, as and when necessary and comment upon franchise, excess/under insurance and any other related matter
- Advise insurer and insured about loss minimisation, loss control, security and safety measures
How to get registered as a Surveyor & Loss Assessor?
- Enrollment:
- Log on to and Create User ID & Password;
- Submit an Enrolment Application along with the required documents with IRDAI on the BAP portal;
- Examination:
- Once the Enrolment Application is approved by IRDAI and the name of the candidate is in the list of eligible candidates for III Exam, the applicant may register himself for the said exam;
- Training:
- After clearing exam in the selected line of business, the applicant shall begin training in the mode (Training under Surveyor / Institutional Training) as selected at the time of Enrolment;
- Fresh License Application:
- On completion of training, the applicant shall submit Application for Fresh Surveyor License along with the required documents with IRDAI on the BAP portal.
How to Renew Surveyor & Loss Assessor License?
- Renewal application shall be submitted on
- Valid Surveyor license needs to be renewed every 3 years.
- Surveyors are allowed to submit their renewal application 90 days prior to date of expiry of surveyor license. Late fee of Rs. 100/- (excluding Rs. 1000/- renewal fee) for renewal will be applicable when a surveyor applies for renewal within 30 days of expiry of surveyor license. Late fee of Rs. 750/- (excluding Rs. 1000/- renewal fee) will be applicable when a surveyor applies for renewal after expiry date to 6 months from date of expiry of surveyor license.
- How to submit renewal application for individual surveyor:
- Log in to
- Submit last 3 years FORM 12
- Initiate renewal application (IRDAI FORM 5AF)
- Upload documents (photo id, address proof, IIISLA membership certificate, qualification certificate, FORM 20 AF – Fit and proper statement, Affidavit for being partner/director and passport size photo.
- Make payment and submit the renewal application.
Individual Modification:
- Application for modification on valid surveyor license shall be submitted on
- A surveyor who is holding valid surveyor license may apply for modification on their individual surveyor license for Name correction, Address Change, Addition of LOBs.
- Log in on and submit the modification for:-
- For additional department - III Surveyor examination mark sheet, Enrolment approval letter/email from IRDAI, Copy of detailed quarterly training reports Training completion certificate (FORM-IRDAI-16), qualification certificate, categorisation latter issued by IRDAI in 2001, IIISLA membership certificate. Surrender ORIGINAL license
- For change of address in license - valid address proof (Aadhaar /bank passbook, post-paid bill, rashan card/passport/rent agreement/postal ID card for address/gas connection/electricity bill/water bill/utility bill ETC), Surrender ORIGINAL license to the Surveyor department, IRDAI, Delhi office.
- For Name Correction in license – gazette notification for name change/correction with valid I.D proof Pan card, Adhaar card, voter card, Surrender ORIGINAL license to the Surveyor department, IRDAI, Delhi office.
Duplicate license
Copy of Police report for loss of license and on line payment Rs.5/-
What is the procedure for obtaining Fresh corporate surveyor and loss assessor license?
- Users can create user ID, password and update profile on their own on
- If any technical issues are encountered during first time login in BAP drop, then the user can send an email to
- Two types of entities can apply for Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor license: -
- Company incorporated under Companies Act, 2013 or
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
- The Company/LLP Firm applying for grant of fresh license, Inter alia, must ensure the following:
- There shall be at least two individuals licensed as Surveyors and Loss Assessors who are Directors/Partners of the Company/LLP Firm which is applying for grant of fresh license. (An individual licensed as Surveyor and Loss Assessor cannot act/function as a Director/Partner of more than one Corporate Surveyor)
- The applicant Company/LLP Firm must have been incorporated for the purpose of working as a Surveyor and Loss Assessor and therefore the name of the company/LLP Firm must be suffixed by ‘Surveyor and Loss Assessor’.
- The main object of the company/firm shall be ‘to carry out survey, loss assessments and related jobs’ within India as the jurisdiction of The Insurance Act, 1938 is India.
- An LLP Firm or company including group companies can apply for ONLY ONE license to work as Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor.
- On ascertaining eligibility as per the regulations, the applicant company/LLP Firm may apply for fresh corporate surveyor license in FORM – 3AF (ONLINE on ) which shall be complete in all respects.
- Fee to be paid is Rs.5000/- only.
- The Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor license granted shall be valid for a period of 3 years unless cancelled earlier.
What is the procedure for renewal of corporate surveyor and loss assessor license?
- Three types of entities can apply for renewal of Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor license: -
- Company incorporated under Companies Act, 2013 or
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
- Partnership Firm formed under an Indian Partnership Act, 1932. [Vide IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020, and with effect from 26th November, 2020, Partnership Firms constituted under the Indian Partnership Act 1932 are not eligible to obtain fresh Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor License. However, existing Partnership Firms (constituted under the Indian Partnership Act 1932) licensed to act as Corporate Surveyor shall continue to act as Corporate Surveyor and therefore can apply for renewal of their license.]
- A Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor can apply for renewal of his license in Form-IRDAI-6-AF (ONLINE on ) which shall be complete in all respects.
- The application for renewal of Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor license shall reach the Authority at least thirty days before the expiry of the period of validity.
- Fee to be paid for renewal of Corporate surveyor license is as below: -
- Rs.5000/- in case renewal application filed before 30 days from the date of expiry of Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor License
- Rs.5000/- plus Rs.100/- penalty = Rs.5100/- in case application for renewal NOT filed 30 days before the date of expiry of Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor License
- Rs.5000/- plus Rs.750/- penalty = Rs.5750/- in case renewal application filed after date of expiry up to a maximum period of six months from the date of expiry of Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor License.
- The Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor license granted shall be valid for a period of 3 years unless cancelled earlier.
What is the procedure for modification of corporate surveyor and Loss assessor license?
- During the validity of the License, any Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor can apply for the modification in the license for reasons of resignation/ death/ suspension of director/ partner, change in share holding pattern and such other material changes.
- A Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor can apply for modification of his license in Form-IRDAI-18-AF (ONLINE on ) which shall be complete in all respects.
- The application must be submitted, with the Authority, within 15 days of such material change.
- If the original license was issued by the Authority as a hard copy to the company/firm, it shall be surrendered at the time of application for grant of modified license.
- No fee is required to be paid for modification of Corporate Surveyor and Loss Assessor License.
(Note: For List of documents to be uploaded along with Enrolment, Fresh License, Renewal, Modification & Corporate License are available in the FAQS hosted on )