Non-Life Insurance Products

Non-Life Insurance Products

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Non-Archived GEN4846 2021-2022 Acko General Insurance Limited Engine Protect Add-on IRDAN157RP0014V01201819/A0004V01202122 27-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4847 2021-2022 Acko General Insurance Limited Personal Belongings - Damage Add-on IRDAN157RP0014V01201819/A0005V01202122 27-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4848 2021-2022 Acko General Insurance Limited Personal Belongings - Theft Add-on IRDAN157RP0014V01201819/A0006V01202122 27-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4849 2021-2022 Acko General Insurance Limited Personal Belongings including Electronic Equipment Add-on IRDAN157RP0014V01201819/A0007V01202122 27-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4850 2021-2022 Acko General Insurance Limited Loss of License/RC Add-on IRDAN157RP0014V01201819/A0008V01202122 27-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4851 2021-2022 Acko General Insurance Limited Invoice Cover Add-on IRDAN157RP0014V01201819/A0009V01202122 27-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4852 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Digit Machinery Breakdown Insurance Policy Main product IRDAN158RP0021V02201920 23-11-2021
Non-Archived GEN4853 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Act of God Perils Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0020V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4854 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Advertising Signs and Decorations Liability Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0021V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4855 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Care, Custody or Control Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0022V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4856 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Carriage of Effluents (outside the Insurance Premises) Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0023V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4857 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Damage to Rented Premises Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0024V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4858 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Lift Liability Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0025V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4859 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Medical Expenses Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0026V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4860 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Swimming Pool and Exercise area liability Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0027V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4861 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Transportation of Material or Dangerous or Hazardous Substance Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0028V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4862 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Valet Parking Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0029V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4863 2021-2022 Go Digit General Insurance Limited Terrorism Legal Liability Coverage Add-on IRDAN158RP0075V01202021/A0030V01202122 06-08-2021
Non-Archived GEN4864 2021-2022 EDELWEISS GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Road Side Assistance Add-on IRDAN159RP0004V01201819/A0001V01202122 03-12-2021
Non-Archived GEN4865 2021-2022 EDELWEISS GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Minor Works Add-on IRDAN159RP0020V01202021/A0007V01202122 08-12-2021