Document Detail

Title: Circular
Reference No.: IRDAI / HLT/ MISC / CIR / 129 / 06 / 2020
Date: 02/06/2020
Disclosure of underwriting philosophy of offering Insurance coverage to Per



Ref: IRDAI / HLT/ MISC / CIR / 129 / 06 /2020


2ndJune, 2020




All Insurers (Except ECGC and AIC)


Sub: Disclosure ofunderwriting philosophy of offering Insurance coverage to Persons withDisability (PWD) and people affected with HIV/AIDS and Mental Illness diseases.



1.    Referenceis drawn to the provisions of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 inaccordance to which every insurer shall evolve a health insurance underwritingpolicy covering approach and aspects relating to offering health insurancecoverage not only to standard lives but also to substandard lives. Furtherinsurance companies shall also comply with various provisions of HIV and AIDSPrevention and Control Act, 2017 and Mental healthcare Act, 2017.


2.    Notwithstandingthe above provisions, it is considered essential that the targeted populationof every insurer shall have complete information on the philosophy thatinsurers adopt while complying with the above referred provisions.


3.    Infurtherance to above, all Insurers are instructed to publish on theirrespective websites the underwriting philosophy and approach with regard tooffering insurance coverage to the following category of population:


a.    Personswith Disabilities ( PWD)

b.    Personsaffected with HIV /AIDS

c.    Personsaffected with Mental Illness diseases.


4.    AllInsurers (Life, General and Health Insurers) are here by directed to complywith the aforesaid instruction by 01st October, 2020.


5.    This hasthe approval of the competent authority.







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