Pan India Insurance Quiz Competition - Policy Holder

Pan India Insurance Quiz Competition
After completion of the semi-finals, the following teams entered in to the finals ofthePan- India Insurance Quiz Competition.
1 RelianceGeneral Insurance Co. Ltd.
2 MaxLife Insurance Co. Ltd.
3 ExideLife Insurance Co. Ltd.
4 NationalInsurance Co. Ltd.
The Finals will be conducted on19thApril, 2015 at 1.30 Pm(precededwith lunch) at Marriott Hotels, TankBund Rod, Hussain Sagar, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500 080. Prizes will be distributed on the same day.
Modus-operandi for the Finale of Pan India Insurance Competition
1 Four teams will participate in the finale
2 Each team will have - SAME 3 MEMBERS AS OF SEMI-FINALS. Change of Team MEMBER is NOT ALLOWED. In case of any exigency, if any team member is not able to reach the venue, the remaining team will participate in the quiz.
3There will be 8 rounds of questions – (pattern will be similar to Semi-finals)
4 Number of rounds– 8 (indicative only)
1 Hit the Jackpot
2 Quiz the Quiz Master
3 Life Insurance
4 Visual rounds
5 Non-Life Insurance
6 Audio-Visual Round
7 Buzzer Round with Insurance Vocabulary Tests.
8 Rapid Fire Round on GK and General Awareness
5 30 seconds for each question upto 6th round.
6 Ten seconds for buzzer round
7 1 minute for each team for rapid fire round
8 Each round of minimum 8 questions or multiple of 4 questions.
9 For every correct answer, a team will get 10 points.
10 For every wrong answer, 5 points will be deducted.
11 If a question is not answered, any one from any team or from the audience can answer. It is not counted as points if any other team answers.
12There will be only one mouthpiece or each team and the name should be announced before the quiz begins.
General Instructions
1 Participants shall report to the Venue for the Quiz Competition at least one hour before the starting time of the competition.
2 Participants are not permitted to keep any reading material, mobile phones etc. with them at the venue during the Quiz.
3 All participants should follow the instructions of the Quiz Master(s) – whose decision shall be final in all the matters of dispute.
1Each group will have - SAME 3 MEMBERS AS OF QUARTER FINALS.
2 Report to the Quiz Competition Venue FIFTEEN MINUTES before start of the competition. All participants should follow the instructions of the Quiz Master(s) – whose decision shall be final in all the matters of dispute.
3 QUIZ MASTERS: To be decided by NIA-PUNE and III-MUMBAI.
4 Change of MEMBER is NOT ALLOWED.
5 All participants must show their identity cards and once they participate, it is not possible to replace one with another.
6 In case of any exigency, if the person nominated is not able to reach the venue, the remaining team will participate in the quiz.
7 Participants are not permitted to keep any reading material, mobile phones etc. with them in the Hall during the Quiz.
8 Total 15 groups from 8 quarterfinals will have 8 winners and 7 runners’teams. DELHI (D), GURGAON(G), MUMBAI (M), PUNE (P), AHMEDABAD(A), KOLKATA (K), CHENNAI (C) AND BENGALURU (B)
9 Four cities will have 4 semi-final events - 23rd March atDelhi (D), 25th March at Mumbai (M), 27th March at Kolkata (K) and 30th March at Bangalore (B)
10 For each semi-final event 4 groups will be there - 2 WINNERS (W) and 2RUNNERS (R).
11 Number of rounds– 7
1 WARM UP ROUND – History, Principles and IRDAI Guidelines / Circulars,Legal Framework, etc.
3 PLAY THE GAME ROUND- One minute time will be given to each team to fixthe picture of Puzzle Game and to fillthe words in Treasure Hunt Game under SEMI FINALS - see
6 BUZZER ROUND with Insurance Vocabulary Tests.
7 RAPID FIRE ROUND on GK and General Awareness.
12 Other rules -
1 For each round there will be 2 cycles, each cycle have 4 questions to beasked to 4 groups one by one
2 From whom to start will be by lottery from visitors (it will go seriallyand in cycle like GROUPS 3-4-1-2 either clock-wise / anti-clockwise)
3 30 seconds for each question upto 6th round.
4 No negative marks for wrong answers for FIRST 6 ROUNDS, but minus 5 for 7thround
5 There is no passing of any questions for next question upto 6thround
6In 7th round one question can be passed (for the nextquestion) for which mark is zero. Only 5 questions will be asked from eachgroup within one minute.
7 The Prizes: The details of prize money areunder:–
Quarter Finals Rs. |
Semi-Finals Rs. |
Finals Rs. |
Winners' Team |
5000 |
10000 |
100000 |
Runners' Team |
3000 |
5000 |
50000 |
(subject to applicable ST/TDS)
Groups for Semi-Finals of Pan India Insurance Quiz Competition - 2015
Centre/Date & Time |
Semi Finalist |
Venue for Semi-Finals |
IRDAI Nominee |
Semi Final-1:Delhi Date: 23.03.2015 Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. |
Winners at Mumbai Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Dhananjay Patel, Shri Suresh R Agrawal Shri Srijith Radhakrishnan Runners-up at Mumbai Tata AIA Life Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Ramnath Murli Ms Mayavati Gupta Ms Manvi Jain Winners at Pune Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Kumar Shah Shri Chinmoy Chakraborthy Shri Siddharth Gandhi Runners –up at Pune Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Nitani Shewade Ms Ruchira Pandit Shri Dharit Parekh |
Agriculture Insurance Co. of India Ltd., Board Room, 13th floor, Amba Deep Building, KG Marg, New Delhi-110001
Co-ordinator: Shri K.M. Rao, Asst. Manager (Mobile No.09871165807)
Shri Mukesh Sharma, J.D. (Regional In-charge, Delhi) |
Semi Final-2:Mumbai Date: 25.03.2015 Time: 11 am to 1 pm |
Winners at Gurgaon- Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Rishi Mathur Shri Sanjay Kumar Ms Mamta Nanglia Runners-up at Gurgaon Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Dinesh Mantri Shri Susheel Gupta Shri Rajan Bedi Winners at Delhi Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.– Shri Prashant Kapoor Shri Ajay Sharma Shri Dilip Kumar Tiwari Runners-up at Delhi NO RUNNERS UP IN THE EVENT |
Management Development Centre, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Borivali (West), Mumbai-400 103
Co-ordinator – Shri Jayant Shende, Admn. Officer (Mobile No. 09920236307)
Dr. G. Mallikarjun, OSD
Semi Final-3:Kolkata Date: 27.03.2015 Time: 11 am to 1 pm. |
Winners at Chennai Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Co. Ltd. - Shri K Nithiya Shri Airjit Banerjee Shri Arun P. Runners-up at Chennai United India Insurance Co. Ltd. Shri K. Shobha Rani Smt. S. Gayathri Shri M A Sadagopan Winners at Bangalore ICICI Lombard General Ins. Ms. Priti Rohira Shri Ravi Kothari Shri Saibal Bhattacharya Runners-up at Bangalore Exide Life Insurance Co. Shri Salimraza AJ Shri Rocky Sasmal Ms Revathi Karupaiah |
Venue: National Centre for Insurance Learning, Narendrapur, Kolkata-700103
Co-ordinator: Shri Gautam Nag, Principal, National Centre for Insurance Learning. (Mobile No.08335080192 & 09007700900)
Smt. B. Padmaja, DD |
Semi Final-4:Bangalore Date: 30.03.2015 Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Winners at Ahmedabad AEGON Religare Life Insurance Co. Ltd. - Ms. Palak Vyas Shri Rajesh Nandan Runners- up at Ahmedabad Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd. – Shri Pawan Relwani Shri Nirmit Vyas Ms Ritu Jain Winners at Kolkata National Insurance Co. Ltd. Mr. Prashant P Madhudiya Mr. Pawan Kumar Mr. Naresh Singhal Runners- up at Kolkata Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited Mr. Tathagata Bhattarya Mr. Awanish Singh Mr. Tanuj Baru |
Exide Life Insurance Company Limited, Gold Hill Square, 1st floor, 690, Hosur Road, Begur Hobli, Bangalore-560068 Co-ordinator: Shri Ishwar SB, General Manager, (Mobile No. 09845450140)
Shri K. Sridhar, Sr. AD |
Quarter Finals
1Name andRegistration/ID / Employee No. on the top of every answer sheet (Candidate)
2 Duration of the testis 50 minutes.
3 Candidate has toanswer all 50 questions.
4 Each correct answerwill get score of one markand wrong / no answer will get zero score (nonegative).
5 Compulsory questions onIRDAI will have maximum30 marks / questions, on IRDAI and insurance in general.
6 Optional topics arethree i.e. 1. GeneralInsurance; 2. Life Insurance and 3. Health Insurance.Competitor has to selectonly one of the three and ask for the relevant questionpaper.
7 Questions of optionalpaper will have maximum 20marks / questions.
8 To answer one questionplease select the best ofthe given 4 choices and write the letter on the rightside column meant foranswer.
9 The question paper itselfis the answer paper.No separate sheet will be supplied.
10 Only pen is to be used forwriting the correctchoice. However use of pencil and eraser is allowed but thepencil markings tobe erased before the answer sheets are handed over to the invigilator.Evaluationof answers marked by pencil will not be done.
Groups for Pan India Quiz Competition
Organisers – Mr. S. P. Nanda,NationalInsurance Academy, Direct - 91-020-27204018 and
Mr. Pranab Mishra, Insurance InstituteofIndia
Centers/ Date |
Quarter Finals Venue |
Contact Person, Venue & Timings |
IRDAI Nominee
Delhi 09.03.2015 (FN) |
The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. 1) OIC 2) AICL 3) Apollo Munich 4) Max Bupa 5) Religare Health 6) Sriram General 7) ECGC India Winner - WD Runner – RD
The contact details are:
Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Principal phone no 9968232275 Mr. Girish Joshi, Manager phone no 09958910713
Smt. Manju Arora, Sr. AD, Delhi |
Gurgaon 09.03.2015 (AN) |
Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 1) Max Life 2) Aviva 3) DHFL Pramerica 4) Canara HSBC 5) Sahara India Life 6) IFFCO Tokio Winner – WG Runner – RG
2.00 to 4.00 PM at the following venue of Max Life.
Max Life Insurance Company Limited 11th Floor, Board Room, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase II, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.
CA. Susheel Gupta Chief Manager,Compliance Phone: +91 124 2561717 Extn. 1348 Mobile No. 9818479216. |
Smt. Nimisha Srivastava, Sr. AD, Delhi |
Mumbai 11.03.2015 |
Life Insurance Corporation of India 1) Reliance General 2) Tata AIA Life 3) LIC 4) HDFC ERGO 5) Liberty Videocon 6) India First Life 7) L & T General Winner –WM Runner – RM
Venue: Life Insurance Corporation of India, Conference Hall, Divisional Office-IV, 3rd Floor, Yogakshema (East Wing), Jeevan Bima Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021.
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Co-ordinator – Shri Jayant Shende, Admn. Officer (Mobile No. 09920236307) |
Smt. Jyoti Vaidya, DD
Pune 12.03.2015 |
National Insurance Academy, Pune 1) NIA 2) Bajaj Allianz NL 3) Birla Sunlife 4) HDFC Standard Life 5) Tata AIG General 6) Universal Sompo 7) Raheja QBE Winner-WP Winner–RP
Venue: National Insurance Academy,
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Co-ordinator - Shri S.P. Nanda, Faculty, NIA, Pune Mobile No. 08939815612 |
Shri ShardulAdmane, D.D. |
Ahmedabad 13.03.2015 |
The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. RO 1) Bharati AXA Life 2) IDBI Federal 3) Future Generali Life 4) AegonReligare 5) Star Union Daichi 6) EdelvisTokio 7) Cigna TTK Health Winner-WA Runner-RA
Venue: The New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Regional Training Centre, 4th floor, City Centre, Near Swastik Char Rasta, C.G. Road, Navrang Pura, Ahmedabad-380 009
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Co-ordinator: Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta, Deputy Manager (Mobile No.9879877307) |
Shri M.S Joshi, OSD |
Kolkata 14.03.2015 |
National Insurance Co. Ltd. 1) NIC 2) SBI Life 3) Bajaj Allianz Life 4) ICICI Pru Life 5) Magma HDI 6) KotakMahindera Winner –WK Runner- RK
Venue: National Centre for Insurance Learning, Narendrapur, Kolkata-700103
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Co-ordinator: Shri Gautam Nag, Principal, National Centre for Insurance Learning. (Mobile No.08335080192 & 09007700900) |
Shri Someshwar Rao, AD |
Chennai 16.03.2015 |
United India Insurance Co. Ltd. 1) Reliance life 2) Sriram Life 3) Royal Sundaram 4) Cholamandalam 5) UIIC 6) Star Health Winner –WC Runner –RC
Venue: United India Insurance Co., Learning Centre, No. 19, IV lane, Numgambakkam High Road, Chennai - 600 034.
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Co-ordinator: Dr Mu. Dhanasekaran, Principal, Learning Centre (Mobile No. 08939842027 & Landline No. 044-28330421 |
Smt. Sudha Ramunjam, DD |
Bangalore 17.03.2015 |
Bharti AXA General Insurance Company Ltd. 1) ICICI Lombard 2) SBI General 3) PNB Metlife 4) Bhrati AXA NL 5) Exide Life 6) Future Generali NL Winner – WB Runner-RB
Venue: Bharati Axa General Insurance Co. Ltd., 1st floor, The Ferns Icon, No.28, Outer Ring Road, Next to Total Mall, Doddanekundi, Bangalore-560037 (Karnataka)
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Co-ordinator: Shri Ravi Seshadri , Vice President (Mobile No. 09880635822) |
Shri Kamal Chowla, Sr. AD |