Report on Seminars 2013-14 - Policy Holder
Insurance Awareness Day - 2016
Insurance Awareness Day - 2015
Insurance Awareness Day - 2014
- Ranjan's Discovery of Insurance Ombudsman
- Ranjan Brakes for Motor Insurance
- Ranjan Learns More About ULIP
- Ranjan Realises Honesty is the Best Policy
- Ranjan Understands 'Underinsurance'
- Ranjan Can Now Port His Health Policy
- Ranjan Learns About Freelook Period
- Ranjan Fills up The Proposal Form
- Ranjan Learns About Licensed Intermediaries
- Ranjan Learns About Surveyors
- Ranjan Gets Tech Savvy
- Ranjan Learns About Cashless Service
News Items or Important Information for the Customers
Post Launch Survey Report of IRDAI's Insurance Awareness Campaigns(2010-2015)

Report on Seminars 2013-14
A seminar on ‘Insurance Awareness for reaching the un-reached’ was conducted by Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International) on 7thMarch, 2014 at Rajiv Gandhi University Auditorium, Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh.
The seminar commenced with welcome address by Shri R.C. Parida, Head, Department of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University.
The seminar was attended by around 140 participants from Arunachal Pradesh including students, faculty members, civil society organizations (CSOs), general consumers and media. Shri Sumanta Biswas and Nishi Kant Sinha of CUTS International jointly anchored the programme. Shri K.C. Kapoor, Vice Chancellor in-charge, Rajiv Gandhi University laid stress on the importance of insurance in our day-today life.
In the opening session, Ms. Keya Ghosh, Director, CUTS International, made a presentation on General Insurance and their types and she opined that consumer should clearly check insurance policy document and details of benefits of what is covered and what is not.
Smt. Yegna Priya Bharath, Joint Director, participated in the seminar from the Authority as speaker. She made a presentation on ‘Protecting Insurance Policyholders’ and informed that consumers need to understand their needs before opting for insurance policies and the initiatives taken by IRDA to protect interests of policyholders. Shri N Dutta Roy, Additional Divisional Manager of LIC Jorhat Division, Assam, elaborated on the role of insurance intermediaries in servicing the sector. He also informed that 37-40% of state’s population are still un-insured, which offer huge scope.
Prof. Nabinananda Sen of Calcutta University highlighted how this sector has been growing and expanding to cover the risks. He also pointed out that there is a huge employment opportunities for young graduates.
During the seminar, the consumer education material of IRDA was also distributed among the participants.
Shri Nishi Kant Sinha and Dr Tasi Kaye concluded the seminar with vote of thanks. It was unanimously agreed that similar seminars should be organized in future too.