Insurance Awareness Survey - Policy Holder
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News Items or Important Information for the Customers
Post Launch Survey Report of IRDAI's Insurance Awareness Campaigns(2010-2015)

Insurance Awareness Survey
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) engaged the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) to carry out a pan-India survey to assess the levels of insurance awareness in the country. The survey was undertaken in 29 states/union territories.
The survey has brought out various findings from the information it gathered relating to the socio-economic profiles of the insured and the uninsured in both rural and urban areas and correlating it to various life and general insurance parameters. The survey shows that most of the insured are salaried, regular wage earners or self-employed. Insured households possess a high level of education as opposed to uninsured households which are mostly illiterate.