Comic Strips - Policy Holder
Insurance Awareness Day - 2016
Insurance Awareness Day - 2015
Insurance Awareness Day - 2014
- Ranjan's Discovery of Insurance Ombudsman
- Ranjan Brakes for Motor Insurance
- Ranjan Learns More About ULIP
- Ranjan Realises Honesty is the Best Policy
- Ranjan Understands 'Underinsurance'
- Ranjan Can Now Port His Health Policy
- Ranjan Learns About Freelook Period
- Ranjan Fills up The Proposal Form
- Ranjan Learns About Licensed Intermediaries
- Ranjan Learns About Surveyors
- Ranjan Gets Tech Savvy
- Ranjan Learns About Cashless Service
News Items or Important Information for the Customers
Post Launch Survey Report of IRDAI's Insurance Awareness Campaigns(2010-2015)

Comic Strips
Insurance Made Easy – Ranjan, the insurance consumer
Concepts of Insurance too tough to grasp? Don't know how they will be useful to you?
Here are some comics that will help you get familiar with them easily and in a fun way!
Also check if you are in similar situations, and take action fast!
1 Ranjan's Discovery of Insurance Ombudsman: (View Strip)
You have bought an insurance policy but now you have a problem with it. Your insurance company is either disputing or rejecting your claim and you are wondering where to turn for help. Don't worry! The Insurance Ombudsman Scheme was created to help consumers in your position.
Read on to see what Ranjan learnt when he was in a similar situation and how you can get support at times like this.
2Ranjan Brakes for Motor Insurance: (View Strip)
Are you sure your Motor insurance policy is renewed and in force? If it is not you would be breaking the law and could land in serious financial trouble. Read Ranjan's discoveries about the advantages of keeping your Motor insurance policy up to date.
3Ranjan Learns More About ULIP: (View Strip)
When you buy any policy, and especially a Unit-linked insurance policy (ULIP) it is very important to find out the terms and coverages it offers. ULIPs are complex policies and it is worth your time to find out their terms. And it is not difficult, all you have to do is ask questions and listen to the answers at the time of buying the policy, as Ranjan discovers.
4Ranjan Realises Honesty is the Best Policy: (View Strip)
Insurance is your best friend in your time of need IF you have been honest and transparent at the time of filling up your proposal form. If not, you could end up being the loser even though you have paid for an insurance policy, as Ranjan finds out the hard way.
5Ranjan Understands 'Underinsurance': (View Strip)
Cutting corners to save money may be a prudent financial practice, but not when it comes to insurance. See how Ranjan loses out in a big way after underinsuring his house with an eye on saving a relatively small expense in the form of premium.
6Ranjan Can Now Port His Health Insurance Policy: (View Strip)
Frustrated with the company that has given you your Health insurance policy? Or perhaps the agent's service is not what you hoped for. You need not suffer in silence anymore. You can 'port' or move your Health insurance policy to any other insurance company - either a Health insurance company or a General insurance company - of your choice. Ranjan learns how, and so can you!
7Ranjan Learns About Freelook Period: (View Strip)
Your insurance policy turned out to be not as you had understood and expected it to be? Upset and bitter that you have a policy that does not suit you? Don't lose heart. You can return the policy within 15 days of receiving it and get some refund of your premium. Feel encouraged? Learn along with Ranjan how this is possible!
8Ranjan Fills up The Proposal Form: (View Strip)
Filling forms and taking care of documentation is boring work, right? Maybe, but if it is a proposal form for insurance that you are filling, it will be to your best advantage to fill it in yourself meticulously and perfectly. That way your policy will be correct and you will be relieved at the time of a claim. Ranjan gets a lecture on why he should not shy away from boring chores like filling proposal forms.
9Ranjan Learns About Licensed Intermediaries: (View Strip)
Learn more about Intermediaries.
10Ranjan Learns About Surveyors: (View Strip)
Learn more about Surveyors.
11Ranjan Gets Tech Savvy: (View Strip)
Learn more about buying insurance online.
12Ranjan Learns About Cashless Service: (View Strip)
Learn more about Cashless Service.
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Comic Strips
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- 15
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- IRDAI Admin
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- Creating Awareness