Servicing of Life Insurance Orphan Policies - Policy Holder
- Free-Look Period
- Insurance Repository System
- Renewability of Health Insurance
- Portability of Health Insurance
- Group Insurance
- Unit Linked Products
- Policyholder Protection Committee
- Distance Marketing
- Rejection of Claims
- Pension Policies
- e-Insurance Policies
- Warnings and Penalties
- Servicing of Life Insurance Orphan Policies
- Modified Guidelines on Advertisements
- Motor Insurance - Partial Loss Claims
- Guidelines on Standardization in Health Insurance
- IRDAI Health Insurance Regulations - 2016

Servicing of Life Insurance Orphan Policies
Insurance agents play a key role in conservation of insurance business by rendering valuable post sale service to policyholders. Whenever an agent discontinues his agency or his license is terminated by the Insurance Company, the policies secured by the agent are left behind orphaned. In order to fill the gap created by the exit of insurance agents in servicing the insurance policies as also to promote the persistency of insurance policies, the Authority has issued guidelines towards Servicing of Life Insurance Orphan Policies under Section 14 (2) (e) of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999.