Consumer Bodies - Policy Holder
Insurance Awareness Day - 2016
Insurance Awareness Day - 2015
Insurance Awareness Day - 2014
- Ranjan's Discovery of Insurance Ombudsman
- Ranjan Brakes for Motor Insurance
- Ranjan Learns More About ULIP
- Ranjan Realises Honesty is the Best Policy
- Ranjan Understands 'Underinsurance'
- Ranjan Can Now Port His Health Policy
- Ranjan Learns About Freelook Period
- Ranjan Fills up The Proposal Form
- Ranjan Learns About Licensed Intermediaries
- Ranjan Learns About Surveyors
- Ranjan Gets Tech Savvy
- Ranjan Learns About Cashless Service
News Items or Important Information for the Customers
Post Launch Survey Report of IRDAI's Insurance Awareness Campaigns(2010-2015)

Consumer Bodies
IRDAI uses various channels to create awareness about insurance and consumer bodies can play a very important role in this area.
IRDAI encourages consumer bodies to conduct seminars on insurance, thereby not only educating the consumer but also providing a platform for the consumer to interact with IRDA about insurance.
IRDAI itself conducts, participates in and supports several national level seminars on different insurance and consumer related topics to reach out to the public and facilitate dissemination of information to consumers in various parts of the country.
Recently IRDAI partly sponsored seminars conducted by various consumer organisations on topics like health insurance, life insurance and rights and obligations of policyholders.
IRDAI’s sponsorship scheme
IRDAI considers sponsoring seminars conducted by consumer organisations up to an amount of Rs 1 lakh on the following terms:
IRDAI can bear
1 50% of the expenses incurred for the seminar subject to a limit of Rs.1 lakh
2Up to 75% of projected expenses or Rs.75,000, whichever is lower, may be granted as an advance
3 The balance will be paid only on receipt of the original bills or copies of bills duly certified by the auditor of the organisation
4 The sponsorship money can be only towards:
Development of educational material
Expenses towards publicity
Expenses relating to presentation by faculty
Infrastructure and other expenses such as lunch, tea, snacks and photographs but the quantum for this will be only up to 25% of IRDA’s reimbursement
IRDAI considers request from Consumer Bodies (Trust/ Society/ NGO/ Research Institutions and any other body approved by IRDAI) that
1 Have conducted, or have the knowledge base to conduct, seminars or other education activities relating to topics like policyholder education, research on insurance and dispute redressal for sponsorship and are:
2Registered by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India or
3 Recommended by any Government Authority or Department or State Government
4Registered with other regulator in India
5Can demonstrate that they have the necessary infrastructure and reach to achieve the desired objectives
While examining proposals, due weightage is given to geographical and regional factors in order to achieve maximum penetration of the message/s in the country.