Custodian of documents categories


Custodian of documents/categories - Respective Departments.

Departments Remarks
Agency Distribution

Individual Agents

Corporate Agents

Vigilance Vigilance related files and documents
Surveyors Surveyor Licensing is web based and records documents are maintained at BAP portal.
Actuarial After implementation of internally developed software products files are maintained electronically. Old products file and Actuarial return are maintained manually in accordance with the record maintaining procedure as adopted by the Admin department of IRDAI.
Sectoral Development Department

Files relating to:
International affairs, IAIS and MoUs
Policymaking on AML/CFT, Insurance Fraud Monitoring Framework
FSDC, Govt. reference, FSR etc.
Annual Report

Details of documents Custodian
Files / documents pertaining to Planning Wing Assistant Manager (Inspection-Planning)
Files / documents pertaining to Planning and Review Wings AGM (Inspection-Review)
Files / documents pertaining to Analysis Wing AGM (Inspection-Analysis)
Non Life ome of the documents/categories are under the custody of the concerned officer of the department. Rest of the files are stored with Stock Holding Corporation of lndia Ltd (SHCIL), which is the outsourced entity for record keeping. One officer is allotted the job of keeping the details of files sent to SHCIL. However, information that can shared is placed in the public domain in
Health In accordance with the record maintaining procedure as adopted by the Admin department of IRDAI, respective employee/officer dealing with the respective work is the custodian of the related files.

Ref. No.:| Date: 03-03-2020