Comments on Exposure Drafts
Comments on Exposure Drafts
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Non-Archived | Standard Vector Borne Disease Health Policy | 13-11-2020 | -- | |
Non-Archived | IRDAI (Manner of Determination of Compensation to Shareholders on Merger of | 05-11-2020 | IRDA/F&A/2020-21/ED/437 | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Insurance Advertisements and Disclosure)Regulation | 20-10-2020 | 2020 | |
Non-Archived | Report of the Working Group (WG) on suitability of offering of Surety Bond | 19-10-2020 | IRDAI/NL/WG/SB/375/2020-21 | |
Non-Archived | Report of the Working Group (WG) for insurance of Remotely Piloted Aircraft | 18-09-2020 | IRDAI/NL/WG/Drone/194/2020-21 | |
Non-Archived | Loss Prevention and Minimization in the General Insurance Industry | 18-08-2020 | IRDA/NL/LPM/ExpDraft/137/2020-21 | |
Non-Archived | Revisiting Guidelines on Trade Credit Insurance | 21-05-2020 | IRDA/NL/MISC/CRE/121/05/2020 | |
Non-Archived | Modified Guidelines on Product filing in Health Insurance Business - | 17-03-2020 | IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/XXX/ 01/2020 | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on Revision in Premium Rates for Motor Third Party Insurance, Mar 2020 | 05-03-2020 | IRDA/NL/MTP/2020-21/EXDRF | |
Non-Archived | Draft circular on disclosure of Hospital Quality Indicators | 06-02-2020 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Guidelines on Standardization of General Clauses in Health Insurance Policy | 10-01-2020 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft - Revisiting the product structure for Motor Own Damage | 25-11-2019 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on Guidelines on Wellness and Preventive Features/Benefits | 07-11-2019 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft of IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss assessors) (Amendment | 31-10-2019 | IRDAI/SURV/Regl-1/18-19 | |
Non-Archived | Comments Of The Stakeholders On Draft IRDAI (Third Party Adminstrators- Hea | 09-07-2019 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on Revision in Premium Rates for Motor Third Party Insurance, May 2019 | 20-05-2019 | IRDA/NL/MTP/2019-20/EXDRF | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on Revisiting the product structure for Dwellings, Offices, | 20-05-2019 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure draft on IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox) Regulations, 2019 | 18-05-2019 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Min. Info. for Inspection/Investigation) Reg.,2019 | 17-05-2019 | -- | |
Non-Archived | Exposure Draft on Guidelines on Standardization of Exclusions in Health Ins | 16-05-2019 | -- | |